FAQ – Yes, you are barefoot

We are often asked what new students should expect for their first yoga class.  It’s hard to experience the relaxing and rejuvenating benefits of yoga when doubt and insecurity reign your class time!  Here are a few tips to guide you to and through your first class:

1.  “What do I wear?”  Wear clothing you feel comfortable moving in.  You may want to dress in layers depending upon the temperature of the room and the type of class you are taking.  And yes, you are barefoot.

2.  “What should I bring?”  Bring a bottle of water to drink before, during and after.  If you have a yoga mat, bring it!  Studio925 can provide mats to individuals or organizations without them, though.  You may also want a towel.

3.  “Why is it so quiet in here?”  The yoga room is often silent before and after class- honor this, it may be your or your neighbors’ only opportunity to have a few moments without noise.

4.  “What’s with the funny breathing?”  There are a variety of breathing techniques we may ask you to try.  These serve various purposes, from energizing and warming up your body to cooling you down and relaxing you.   One thing these exercises have in common is that they bring awareness to your breath and how it affects your body!

5. “I’m not flexible, so I can’t do yoga.”  Yes, you can!  We do yoga to gain flexibility!  We also do yoga to gain strength.  While you may not be settling into the splits anytime soon, the super-bendy person next to you may have difficulty with strength building postures.  We are all coming from different places and different bodies and each have our own things to work on- those things might not always be physical, but perhaps mental.  It helps to shift your thought process away from comparison and toward what you can do…this doesn’t hurt off of the mat, either!

Often, the hardest part of a yoga class is getting there.  If you have other questions about what to expect, feel free to contact Maren@studio925yoga.com!

Dated: March 11, 2014 Time posted: 4:56 pm