Invest In Success: 8 Successful Behaviors, Part III

Successful people invest in themselves.  According to our favorite Forbes article:

“I see this behavior over and over in those who feel thwarted and unsuccessful – they are incredibly reluctant to invest time, money and energy in themselves and their own growth.  They are comfortable only when putting other people’s needs ahead of their own.  They’ll make any excuse for why now is NOT the time to invest in themselves or commit to change.  They feel guilt, shame and anxiety over claiming “I’m worth this.”  Successful people don’t wait – they spend money, time and effort on their own growth because they know without doubt it will pay off – for themselves and everyone around them.”

On a daily or weekly basis, this equates to prioritizing self-care.  It’s easy to fall into the corporate trap of back-to-back meetings, skipping lunch, working long hours, sitting all day and chugging caffeine to stay focused and fired up!  It’s easy to make excuses to justify this behavior- looming deadlines, a demanding boss or determination to get ahead.   Successful people know they need to step back, take a break and breathe.  They know they need to invest time in themselves not only to maintain their own health and wellness, but to stay focused to support others as well.

Start your day with a few deep, calming breaths.  Take an hour for lunch and yoga.  Recharging your brain and body will give you more energy, a fresh perspective and may actually make you more productive.

Contact to learn how we can support you and your fellow employees in taking time to invest in yourselves and your success.

Dated: February 13, 2014 Time posted: 3:56 pm